Best presentation Awards SLE 2012
Best poster presentation
- First prize. Miina Norvik (University of Tartu). The verb *le-in Finnic languages.
- Second prize. Pedro Tiago Martins and João Veloso (University of Porto). Inter-judge agreement in transcribing dialectal data: a study of a corpus of dialectal Portuguese.
- Third prize. Annika Valdmets (University of Tartu). The evolution of one Estonian polysemous word täpselt ‘exactly, precisely’ and Dimitrios Kotsifas (University of Leuven). Functional pitch movements and affective speech in Greek.
Best paper presentation by a Phd student
- First prize. Katrien Verveckken (University of Leuven and Research Foundation Flanders - FWO). Towards a constructional account of binominal quantifiers in Spanish and the interplay between analogy and conceptual persistence.
- Second prize. Anna Ruskan (Vilnius University). Expressing evidentiality in Lithuanian: the case of neuter adjectives.
- Third prize. Oleg Belyaev (Russian Academy of Sciences and Sholokhov Moscow State University). Towards an anaphoric approach to Ossetic correlatives.
Best paper presentation by a postdoctoral researcher
- First prize. Clara Vanderschueren and Kevin Diependaele (Ghent University). The Portuguese inflected infinitive: empirical approaches compared.
- Second prize. Daniele Franceschi (University of Pisa). The reflexive diathesis alternation vis-à-vis the middle construction in English.
- Third prize. Lotte Sommerer (University of Vienna). A constructional perspective on the development of the indefinite article in English.